We have published eight Food Fraud Insight Reports (FFIR) that provide actionable information based on a dive deep into key topics. These provide key insights for updating FSMA or GFSI compliance requirements, as well as the newly very hot area of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM/ COSO).
The reports are sorted by subject:
FFIR for FSMA (US Food Safety Modernization Act)
- Review: Final Rule for FSMA Intentional Adulteration (Food Defense) Regarding Food Fraud and EMA. Summary: Even though Food Fraud (FF) and Economically Motivated Adulteration (EMA) are not a compliance requirement for FSMA‐IA, this final rule provides important insight into FSMA and assessments.
- Review: Final Rule for FSMA Produce Safety Rule (FSMA‐PS) Regarding Food Fraud and EMA. Summary: The US Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Final Rule (FSMA‐PS) does not directly address Food Fraud (FF) or Economically Motivate Adulteration (EMA) other than referring to the FSMA Preventative Controls rule (FSMA‐PC) and the US Food Drug & Cosmetics Act (FD&C).
FFIR for GFSI (Food Safety Management Systems including BRC, FSSC22000, SQF, IFS and others)
- Review of GFSI Food Fraud Technical Document: Tackling Food Fraud through Food Safety Management Systems. Summary: The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) published the GFSI Food Fraud Technical Document titled “Tackling Food Fraud through Food Safety Management Systems.”
- Review: Review of the New GFSI Guidance Document Issue 7 Regarding Food Fraud. Summary: On February 8th GFSI issued a public request for comments on the new Guidance Document Issue 7 including new Food Fraud requirements which is open until February 19th.
FFIR for Enterprise Risk Management (ERM/ COSO)
- Applying Enterprise Risk Management to Food Fraud Prevention. Summary: For combating food fraud, a holistic and all‐encompassing approach includes specialized methods to assess past incidents in the marketplace, review the fraud opportunity, conduct assessments, connecting to enterprise‐wide decision‐making systems such as Enterprise Risk Management, and refine internal control systems.
- The Role of Enterprise Risk Management in Food Fraud Prevention. Summary: An enterprise‐wide risk perspective such as Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) provides a widely adopted and structured approach for managing Food Fraud prevention.
Others: International Standards Organization publications and Food Document Fraud.
- A Review of ISO Standards Terminology Regarding Product Integrity and Authenticity. Summary: A review of International Standards Organization (ISO) published standards revealed that the core food fraud-related terms have been used across many disciplines (e.g., integrity, authenticity, authentication, adulterant, adulteration, adulterated, and product fraud from https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search).
- The Risk of Document Fraud in the Food Supply Chain: Preliminary Findings from the Food Document Fraud Survey. Summary: Food fraud is a global problem that can have devastating economic effects and poses considerable risks to public health, safety, and food security.
Each report provides valuable and actionable insight on critical food fraud prevention topics. Use the reports as a thought-starter for your food fraud prevention strategy or as a training resource for new employees.