NEW EVENT REMINDER: Live, Scheduled, Online MoocLive “Webinar D” – Enterprise Risk Management (ERM/COSO) MOOC with the Food Fraud Implementation Method (FFIM)

Our Food Fraud Enterprise Risk Management (ERM/COSO) MOOC with the Food Fraud Implementation Method (FFIM) will be offered as a live, scheduled, online webinar – MoocLive. The live lectures will include interactive discussions and a Food Fraud Trends Update summary. Attendees will receive a pre-event survey to help shape the content and the live lectures, and they will also receive a one-on-one virtual “office hours” meeting session to discuss any questions.

Dates of the online events: July 29, 31, August 5, & 7, 2024

The MOOC programs originally started in 2013 as live, online lectures. To increase the availability of the growing catalog of courses, in 2019 the programs shifted to a recorded, on-demand format. The Enterprise Risk Management (ERM/COSO) MOOC was first conducted in 2021 and the Food Fraud Implementation Method (FFIM) is an application of workshops we have been conducting since 2014.

Recently, we have had requests for the full MOOC program catalog to also be offered live, scheduled, and online. In part, some people told us that they’ve wanted to complete the on-demand training, but it was hard to schedule the activity. These new scheduled webinars are often easier to complete since they are set dates and times. In addition, the live lectures are more interactive and informative for attendees, who can ask questions during the discussions.

The seven current Food Fraud Prevention Academy MOOC programs will now also be presented in a series of four MoocLive webinars.

Whether it is for you, members of your team, members of other teams at your company, or your suppliers, please feel free to forward this announcement and a recommendation.

Details and registration for the July-August session:

The other MoocLive Webinars in the series are listed here.

Takeaway Points

The current online MOOC programs are available on-demand, but sometimes it can be challenging to make the time. The live versions of the programs can help by creating a scheduled commitment.

The live, online webinars allow for real-time, immediate questions. In addition, the students receive the option to schedule a 1-1 virtual “office hours” to discuss issues and questions.

Whether you are new to the topic or you have been working on food fraud prevention for years, it is always good to keep your training current. There may be areas of food fraud prevention that you might not have considered yet!

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