Please meet us at our presentation during the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) conference this November. My presentation is on Tuesday, November 8 at 16:20 during Subtheme 3: Advances to Enhance Food Safety, Security, Authenticity, and Integrity.
The EFFoST conference is a top event for the food industry. From our planning discussions, it became clear there was a need for a broad, over-arching perspective on food fraud prevention. This research builds upon our previous research, including those published in EFFoST journals, during recent food fraud prevention research, and my new expanded focus on supply chain management.
- Presentation title: The Evolution of Food Fraud Vulnerabilities: Beyond Melamine to Infinity
- Presentation summary: Collectively, the global food supply chain stressors are creating new market dynamics that have led to an evolution in food fraud vulnerabilities. This presentation will begin by focusing on the market changes and the future scenarios that are constantly evolving. The food fraud vulnerability assessments must also continue to evolve by considering both old and new system factors. Fortunately, the core food fraud initial screening and broad incident review methods still apply – as long as they are looking at new and evolving vulnerabilities. This holistic and all-encompassing prevention approach was started ten-years ago when the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) created a Food Fraud Think Tank to understand ‘what’ food fraud is. The work expanded from ‘the what’ to ‘the how’ to address the problem. Over the years – and particularly through publications in EEFoST journals – the focus further expanded to ‘how much is enough.’ The global food supply chain has been massively stressed from COVID-related supply and consumer stressors, ripple effects of many other factors are contributing to global shortages and inflation, and events such as Ukraine-Russia are creating what some are calling the biggest impact on European and global commerce since World War II.
Session/ Sub-Theme: Food Authenticity and Food Integrity
This organization and conference have been an important global platform for engaging a wide range of scholars and practitioners who are working on the most cutting-edge problems and innovations. I’m looking forward to hearing the presentations and the deeper conversations during the breaks and events.
EFFoST Academic Journal Publications
It is a great opportunity to attend the EFFoST conference, not only to reconnect with our colleagues but also to support the journals that have been so supportive of our articles. When looking back at the six articles, these are some of our most important works. In just the six articles, we had thirteen co-authors included, four from industry and eight from academia. We were from four countries (USA, China, Canada, and Northern Ireland/UK).
Their two key journals are Trends in Food Science & Technology (ISI Impact Factor 12.563; Scopus SJR 2.402; 99th percentile in Food Science) and Food Control (ISI Impact Factor 5.584; Scopus SJR 1.802; 92thpercentile in food science):
- Spink, John; Zhang, Guangtao; Chen, Weina & Spier-Pero, Cheri; (2019). Introducing the Food Fraud Prevention Cycle (FFPC): A Dynamic Information Management and Strategic Roadmap, Food Control, 105 (November 2019), 233-241.
- Co-author Affiliation: Zhang & Chen – Mars Incorporated (China); Speier-Pero – MSU School of Business, Department of Supply Chain Management.
- Cadieux, B, Goodridge, LD, & Spink, J (2019). Gap analysis of the Canadian food fraud regulatory oversight and recommendations for improvement, Food Control Journal, 00(00), pages 00-00 Food Control.
- Co-author Affiliation: Cadieux & Goodridge – McGill University (Canada) now University of Guelph (Canada).
- Spink, John, Hegarty, P. Vincent, Fortin, N.D., Elliott, Christopher T., & Moyer, D.C. (2019). The Application of Public Policy Theory to the Emerging Food Fraud Risk: Next Steps, Trends in Food Science & Technology (TIFS), 85 (March 2019), 116-128.
- o Co-author Affiliation: Hegarty & Fortin – MSU Agriculture & Law, Elliott – Queen’s University Belfast (NI, UK), Moyer – MSU Department of Public Health
- Moyer, Douglas C, Spink, John. & Devries, Jonathon. (2017). The Economics of a Food Fraud Incident Case Studies and Examples Including Melamine in Wheat Gluten, Food Control, Volume 71, Pages 358-364.
- Co-author affiliation: Jon Devries, Gold Medal Laboratories/ General Mills Incorporated.
- Spink, John, Ortega, David, Chen, Chen, and Wu, Felicia (2017). Food Fraud Prevention Shifts Food Risk Focus to Vulnerability, Trends in Food Science and Technology Journal, Volume 62, Number 2, Pages 215-220.
- Co-author Affiliation: Ortega – MSU Ag Econ, Chen & Wu – MSU Food Science.
- Spink, John, Moyer, Douglas C, & Speier-Pero, Cheri (2016). Introducing the Food Fraud Initial Screening Model (FFIS), Food Control, Volume 69, November 2016, Pages 306-314. Co-author Affiliation: Speier-Pero – MSU School of Business, Department of Supply Chain Management; Moyer – MSU Department of Public Health.
Takeaway Points:
- Food fraud is not a static problem. Every change in the world – whether within a company, in a local or transnational market, in a transportation supply chain, effects from changing agricultural production or consumer preferences, or even geopolitical events – impacts the food fraud vulnerability.
- We are continuing to develop research and resources to support the evolving and emerging needs. Keep watching for our education and training updates.
- If you are attending the EFFoST conference in November, begin to engage by attending our session. See us at the conference.