I’m honored to have been invited by the WTO to present on Food Fraud Prevention Strategy for Countries and Companies. There is now a growing focus on how to shift resources to prevention, and WTO has a key role in defining the landscape and streamlining the efforts.
- EVENT: Presentation – Food Fraud Prevention Strategy for Countries and Companies, by Dr. John Spink, for World Trade Organization (WTO), Trade Dialogues on Food Webinar Series, Combating Illicit Trade in Food and Food Fraud.
- DATE: Thursday 3 March, the panel is from 2:00 PM to 5:15 PM CET (Central European Time) / 8:00 to 11:15 AM EST (US Eastern Standard Time)
- COST: Free
- LINK TO EVENT PAGE: https://www.wto.org/english/res_e/reser_e/tradedialonfood_e.htm
There are many global organizations fighting one aspect or another of counterfeit and fraudulent foods, such as WHO, FAO/ UN, INTERPOL/ Europol, Codex Alimentarius, INFOSAN, national regulators and enforcement, the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), and others. Specifically, the World Trade Organization (WTO) has a critical role in helping create and streamline the global system of trade rules. This centralized role is complementary to other activities in Codex Alimentarius, the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), the International Standards Organization (ISO), and others.
My presentation will focus on the optimal role of countries and companies. We all have a unique role and if we are coordinated, then we can most efficiently reduce the fraud opportunity. Without a central, strategic plan or vision, then we’re all just reacting to parts of the problem. When we start from a holistic and all-encompassing focus from the problem outwards, there can be a clearer identification of our optimal role in prevention.
I’m especially pleased to be co-presenting with long-time colleagues who represent a variety of key stakeholders:
- Jeffrey Hardy, Director General, Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT)
- Quincy Lissaur, SSAFE Executive Director
- Jan Mei Soon, Senior Lecturer in Food Safety Management, University of Central Lancashire
This Trade Dialogues of Food webinar series is another of the key events in the global food fraud prevention strategy. Take the time to attend the webinar to both learn about the global resources and to share your critical and unique insight.